Loropetalum - The Good Earth Garden Center

Loropetalums are also commonly called fringe flowers due to the spidery, fringe-like blooms. The most popular loropetalums have been those with burgundy foliage and fuschia colored blooms, although now there are other varieties available such as those with green foliage and white blooms, and several red blooming varieties. Loropetalums are evergreen and vary greatly in mature sizeā€¦ ranging from groundcover types that mature at around 12 inches tall, to large cultivars that mature at over 8 feet tall. Loropetalums flower in late winter and early spring and feature a natural sprawling shape but are often pruned into tight, hedge-like shapes.

  • Sun to Part Sun
  • Plant size, foliage color and bloom color vary with cultivar
  • Grow best in fertile, humusy, moist but well-drained soil
  • Prune after flowering

Landscape features include evergreen foliage and blooms, both in a variety of color.

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