Drift® Roses are groundcover roses that provide tremendous color from Spring to Fall at a low height. These plants are tough, disease resistant and winter hardy. Repeat Bloomers that don’t require dead heading and a low growth that doesn’t require hedging, it is recommended that they be trimmed in mid-February to clean up the look, encourage fresh growth and more prolific blooming. The low, spreading habit of Drift® Roses is perfect for small gardens and combination planters. They brighten borders, fill empty spaces, and spread delicately around established plants.

Drift® Roses are low maintenance and will reward you with endless color all season long. Fertilize with a Rose Fertilizer in spring and early summer.

  • Low maintenance
  • Blooms from spring to frost
  • Full sun
  • Hardy in zones 4-11
  • Mature size: 2 1/2′ w x 1 1/2′ h


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