Contorted Filbert - The Good Earth Garden Center

As the name suggests, this deciduous small tree or shrub features wonderfully contorted branches and an interesting common name, Harry Lauder’s Walking Stick. In addition to the eye-catching branching, distinctive blooms form on bare branches in the spring before the plant leafs out. The drooping catkins may be as long as 3 inches and are usually chartreuse in color, fading to brown before falling off. Leaves typically turn yellow in the fall. The bark is a light gray-brown color. Numerous cultivars are grown for nut production, although we carry ornamental types that usually do not produce nuts. The leaves are somewhat curled also and recently, there have been releases of reddish purple foliaged cultivars. Contorted Filberts should be planted in a place where the unusual form can be seen and enjoyed, such as in containers, along walkways or in shrub borders. Although mature size varies, the most common type grows to about 8-10 feet tall and wide.

  • Sun to Part Sun
  • Showy flowers in early spring
  • Striking, twisted branching
  • Winter interest
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