Honey Locust trees are native to the eastern and central United States.   The native trees have numerous thorns along the main stem, however, trees used in the landscape are thornless and often do not produce the characteristic long pods. Honey Locust trees have fine, fernlike leaves, providing only light shade which allows grass to grow up to the trunk when planted in lawns. The bright green leaves turn yellow in the fall and drop earlier than some other deciduous trees. Fragrant greenish-yellow blooms appear from May to June. Honey Locust trees can tolerate a wide range of conditions but perform best when planted in fertile, moist, well-drained soil in a full sun location. These trees are fast growing and may mature at a size of up to 70 feet, although mature size depends on variety.

  • Sun to Part Sun
  • Blooms in May to June
  • Yellow fall foliage color
  • Fine, fern-like leaf texture
  • Large shade tree
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