Tulip Poplar - The Good Earth Garden Center

The Tulip Poplar, also commonly called tulip tree, is neither a tulip nor a poplar and is in fact, more closely related to magnolia! The tulip reference comes from the shape and greenish-yellow and orange flowers, which are present in May and June. Tulip poplars grow every fast and become quite large, 70-90 feet tall with a spread of 35-50 feet at maturity. This is one of the native American hardwoods and it is one of the most stately trees in Kentucky, Tennessee and Indiana. Winter features include bill-shaped buds and furrowed bark. Fall foliage color is a clear yellow. Tulip poplars thrive in deep, rich, well-drained but moist soil and full sun. Although this tree is pH adaptable, it does best in slightly acidic soil.

  • Sun to Part Sun
  • Yellow and orange blooms in May and June
  • Yellow fall foliage color
  • Fast growing, large shade tree
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