Hosta - The Good Earth Garden Center

There are over 70 species and tons of varieties of hostas, also known as Plantain Lily. Most form clumps; there is a large range of mature plant sizes. Hostas are grown for their bold foliage, which may be shades of green, grayish-blue, yellow, or variegated in various colors. Leaves may be a variety of shapes too, all of which have distinctive veins making them, even more eye-catching. Blooms rise up on stalks in the summer and may be white or shades of lavender; bloom color and size is variety specific. Hostas work well as accent plants, as ground cover under trees, in beds and borders and in rock gardens. The boldly textured leaves pair well with fine textures shade plants such as ferns.

  • Shade to Part Sun
  • Somewhat drought tolerant once established.
  • Plant in fertile, moist but well-drained soil
  • Can be divided in late summer or early spring
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