Nepeta - The Good Earth Garden Center

Nepeta is also known as Catmint and while catnip is the most famous kind of catmint, there are numerous other kinds. Although catnip is widely known, it is actually seldom grown as an ornamental, since it gets quite weedy looking. In contrast, other varieties Nepeta are very successful and lovely looking in perennial gardens! These are tough perennials, proven performers in hot, dry weather. Deadheading or cutting back hard after the first flush of blooms in the summer will encourage additional blooming until fall. Average well-drained soil is good for Nepeta plants. Larger varieties may require staking and need to be given room to mound and ramble some. Shorter varieties won’t need staking but would also like a little extra room to spread out.


  • Sun to Part Sun
  • Mature size and bloom color vary with specific variety
  • Deer resistant
  • Drought tolerant once established
  • Low maintenance
  • Long season bloomer
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