All About Hostas

Looking for a tough yet beautiful, easy to care for, lush perennial… then look no further than hostas as your garden staple! The Facts: Hostas are a leafy perennial that come in a wide variety of colors, textures, shapes and sizes! They are an excellent choice for patios, borders, rock gardens, and containers! Hostas range… Read more »

Philodendron Fun

Philodendron fun; learn all about philodendrons and other Arum family plants including Monsteras and Pothos, inlcuding how to care for them.

Fruit Trees in Arkansas

  Keep reading for details on growing fruit trees in Arkansas! Home gardening as a hobby experienced huge growth last year and we are expecting this trend to continue.  With this trend in mind, and knowing that many in our community are interested in either adding onto their ‘grocery’ garden or getting started, we are… Read more »

Chemical Labels

Read how to get tools ready for spring and tips on taking care of your chemicals.

What is an Arkansas Certified Nursery and Landscape Professional?

Arkansas Green Industry The Arkansas Green Industry Association, AGIA (formerly the Arkansas Nurserymen), is a professional trade organization dedicated to serving the Green Industry and the advancement of horticulture in the State of Arkansas. About the Arkansas Certified Nursery and Landscape Professional Program As stated on the Arkansas Green Industry website, the Arkansas Certified Nursery… Read more »