Fresh Trees Just Arrived!

It’s the fall planting season and we continue to stock up with shrubs and trees!  This week, we had a whole entire truckload of trees delivered.  This isn’t as detailed a post as it could be, but we were just too excited to get this info out there to worry too much about it.  As… Read more »

Bringing Your Outdoor Plants In This Fall

As the heat of summer starts to wind down and autumn cool sets in, it’s time we begin prepping houseplants for their return to the climate controlled indoors as they bid adieu to their outdoor summer vacation. We’ve put together some tips and tricks below to help your plants thrive better when adjusting to the… Read more »

Fall Tips for Your Landscape!

It’s almost fall, y’all! Which means that there are a few chores for your landscape so that your landscape will be healthier and happier next season! Plus find out how to correctly prep your annual color areas for pansies, violas, ornamental cabbage, kale and mums!

All About Encore Azaleas

What Makes Encore Azaleas Unique?  Encore Azaleas are an evergreen, re-blooming azaleas. While most traditional azaleas only bloom in the spring, the Encore series displays a full bloom in the spring, sporadic blooms in the summer and an additional full bloom in the fall- their final encore each year before they start all over again… Read more »

The Beautiful Hues of Heuchera

Heuchera, also known as Coral Bells, are excellent shade garden plants with interesting foliage of various colors. Leaves are heart shaped and boldly veined; some feature bold dark, silvery, or chartreuse green foliage. Coral Bells bloom in the late spring or summer; blooms rise up above the foliage in a long slender stalk and feature… Read more »