Learning Center


Let There Be Light: Houseplant Lighting Explained

Let there be light Having houseplants in your home is uplifting, and helps make a home cozy.  We want plants to soften our rooms and provide fresh air. Lighting can play a big role in the placement of plants for our interiors, and it is interesting to note that the words used for outside areas… Read more »

All About Sansevieria

Keep reading this post to learn all about Sansevieria, also known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue or Snake Plant. These common names actually refer to one of the most commonly seen forms, featuring long, flat sword-like leaves. There are many other varieties as well; details towards the end of this post. Interesting fact, there is one common… Read more »

How to Grow Staghorn Ferns

Always wanted to learn how to grow Staghorn ferns?  We have been growing them for a long time; here are our carefully cultivated tips! What is a Staghorn Fern? There are over 12,000 species of ferns, which are one of the most ancient plants known.  Staghorn ferns used to be pretty difficult to find but… Read more »

Philodendron Fun

Philodendron fun; learn all about philodendrons and other Arum family plants including Monsteras and Pothos, inlcuding how to care for them.

Sharing Plants

Learn how to care for African violets, as well as how to propagate and pass along new plants.

The Basics of Growing Bonsai

What is bonsai? Although many think it’s a kind of plant, bonsai is actually the art form of growing a realistic but miniaturized representation of nature, specifically in a container. Translated, bonsai means planted in a container. Although the word bon-sai is Japanese, the art it described originated in the Chinese empire. In fact, it… Read more »

Our Newest Houseplant ‘White Fusion’ Calathea

Yes, we have some of these beauties right now (August 2020)!  This is a very popular plant right now and pretty hard to find; keep reading for care details! Calathea Care Calathea plants are fairly easy to care for once you understand what they need. This doesn’t mean they are forgiving; leaves can brown due… Read more »

Chinese Evergreen, An Easy Growing Houseplant

Coined one of the Plants of Steel (along with ZZ Plant), Aglaonema, or Chinese Evergreen, is certainly an easy to grow houseplant. Native to the jungles of Southeast Asia, they made their way onto the houseplant market many years ago and have become known as one of the toughest, most reliable, and easiest to grow… Read more »