The Blog
Stop the Angst!
The floodwaters have receded but what remains might be a new mosquito habitat! Stagnant water is usually the culprit, so walk around your landscape, and empty any standing water. And then immediately investigate and fix the area to prevent future standing water, because you may forget after the next rain. Damp areas like old leaf piles… Read more »
Wise Watering
Well, the rains have let up. Like really let up, as in no rain at all in the past few weeks! If you haven’t used your sprinkler system yet, you will need to soon. Or if you haven’t spread out those hoses and come up with a game plan, you might want to. Don’t let lack of water be the… Read more »
A Tough Beauty
There are many plants that capture our imagination and make us want to plant large swaths throughout our landscape. Sometimes these treasured plants look amazing but don’t fare well over time. This plant, the invincible Oakleaf Hydrangea is another story! Oakleaf Hydrangeas have a totally different look to them than the traditional mophead or lacecap hydrangeas.… Read more »
How to make a miniature garden
How many times have you had to look around to find a little one? A child that was just right behind is now nose to the ground looking at something almost invisible to you! Kids love little things; and most also love to play in the dirt and feel the textures of living things like plants.… Read more »
Terrarium How-To!
If you are looking for a new way to bring in the Spring, consider a newly redisovered, on-trend terrarium! Start by choosing a container; the best ones are clear and enclosed. The Good Earth has some really fun ones with wooden balls to seal in the moisture and ones that hang on fun thick ropes.… Read more »
Dividing plants; it’s gardening magic!
This time of year is great for dreaming about your garden. What you want to buy, where you want to plant it, what new plants are going to be available; all good fodder for daydreams. But you may not realize that your existing beloved perennials could be divided up into tens of new plants! And… Read more »
What loves shade, blooms in the winter, and is evergreen?
And the answer is….camellias! These wonderful, versatile plants have been thrilling homeowners for years. Right now, Camellia japonicas are blooming. The japonicas have larger leaves that Camellia sasanqua, and in general have larger, more dramatic blooms. They look kind of like winter roses but even better since they are evergreen. If you are considering a… Read more »
So, what are your feelings about weeds?
Specifically in lawns? Most people don’t enjoy them at all! So here are some tips on how to avoid them altogether: The secret is pre-emergent applications, and not just twice a year. For maximum effectiveness, apply every 60-90 days whether you see weeds or not. Weeds are either coming up from roots already established in… Read more »