Arkansas Gardening resolutions for 2016

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Gardening Resolutions for 2016!

Gardening resolutions for 2016

The New Year is a time for fresh starts; how about some resolutions for your outdoor space? These will make gardening a more joyful experience!

1.  Get a soil test

Soil tests can determine soil pH and indicate which fertilizers are needed. Test kits can be found at Good Earth or soil can be sent off through University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service county offices.

2.  Be proactive in weed control

Weeds use up space, nutrients and water that your desirable plants need. Preventative measures such as applying weed pre-emerge to lawns and landscape beds help prevent weed infestations. Spot treat weeds that sprout.

3.  Try new plants

Bring some excitement back to gardening! New plants are released each year and The Good Earth knows which ones work well here in Central Arkansas!

4.  Grow something you can eat

The first gardens were born from necessity. There is a special satisfaction that comes from growing food for your family. If edible gardening is new to you, just remember that successfully growing one tomato plant or patio blueberry can be just as exciting as a larger scale garden. Be aware of how much time you are willing to invest in your new adventure!

5.  Spend time in your outdoor space

Sometimes just the simple act of touching a plant leaf or smelling a flower can be uplifting… in fact, there is a whole profession based on the therapeutic benefits of horticulture! Be kind to yourself; your space doesn’t have to be perfect to make your day better. Just appreciate the effort you have put into creating a beautiful, functional space for you and your family. Good job!

Gardening resolutions for 2016