Getting Your Landscape Into Shape this Summer - Good Earth Garden Center

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Getting Your Landscape Into Shape this Summer

Looking to get your yard into tip-top shape this summer? Trying to fight a nagging lawn care problem? We know just how to help.


Unsightly brown spots on your lawn can be caused by many things, but it’s often a fungus. Fungus can be a nasty problem — especially if you don’t know what to do about it. Luckily, fungicides are a great solution to this problem. If you want to clean up your lawn, take a few pictures of the problems in your yard and show them to us. We’ll be able to help you find the perfect product, like Fertilome, for your unique problem.

Weed Control

Weeds are extremely annoying. They pop up anywhere and everywhere, over and over again! Bring us a picture of your nagging weeds, and we’ll be able to show you which weed preventer you should use and how to use it.

Bloom Booster

If your flowers aren’t living up to their full potential, we’ve got the perfect solution for you. We’ve got an incredible bloom booster that will help liven up your flower bed. These boosters will nourish and liven up your garden in no time. Come see us to get some today!

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Mon-Sat: 8:00am-5pm Sun: Closed