How to make a miniature garden - Good Earth Garden Center

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How to make a miniature garden

How many times have you had to look around to find
a little one?  A child that was just right behind is now nose to the ground looking at something almost invisible to you! Kids love little things; and most also love to play in the dirt and feel the textures of living things like plants.  That’s why miniature gardens are a unique way to bring it all together! And they work
for inside spaces like on table tops, or outside near the base of a tree or against a large stone.
To get started, buy a disposable camera and go for a nature walk with the kiddos for ideas. For inside gardens, find a low planter that is at least 12” across.  This will give you some room for plants, paths and accessories.  Cover the bottom with about 1” of gravel, and then fill with good quality potting soil to just below the top.  Create some elevation changes by adding more soil in some areas then surround these areas with stone or moss.  Little pea gravel works as a path, and The Good Earth has accessories like gates, furniture, fences and garden tools, as well as miniature plants.  Create a forest look and place some toy dinosaurs throughout.  Or create a desert look and add some little lizards.  Little toy bugs are always a good addition and we have some of those too!
If you would rather keep it outside, the planter can
rest in a bright area without direct sun, water
as needed and enjoy! Or you can transform a little
nook into it’s own little miniature garden with the
same materials.
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