Introduction to African Violet Growing
African Violets have stood the test of time as being a favorite house plant and gift to the flower lovers in your life. Known for their deep, velvety foliage and gorgeous pops of colors in their blooms. From the looks of this small and elegant plant, you may be intimidated to start your collection, but these guys are extremely easy to care for. We will discuss exactly what an African violet plant-parent needs to do to keep your violet happy and healthy, and to keep it blooming from months on end.
African violets are native to the rain forest of East Africa. They are found growing on rocks, normally steep surfaces, of the forest floor. This information is important, because it lets us know what type of light and general environment this plant needs in order to thrive.
African Violet Lighting Tips
Because they are shaded by the taller foliage of the forest, African Violets prefer a bright, indirect light. What does this mean? We hear this all the time as plant lovers, but no one tells us exactly what to do. The Good Earth recommends that you place your violet to the side of a South or West facing window, or directly in front of an East facing window. North facing windows will not provide enough indirect light for these plants to keep blooming. Direct sun will cause the leaves to spot and will fry the blooms. Not enough light will prevent your plant from flowering. If using grow lights, remember that African violets need 8 hours of darkness in order to bloom successfully.
African Violet Watering Tips
Since they do thrive in a rain forest environment, African Violets prefer to always have a moist soil but never soggy soil. Do not allow your plant to completely dry out but also do not drench the plant. Your violet’s leaves will begin to turn yellow if they are over-watered and will have brown spots and a crispy texture if they are underwatered.
Another way to control soil moisture levels is to bottom water; this can be done by planting them in an African violet pot or potting in a regular pot but filling saucer with water as opposed to watering the top of the soil. Allow the potted violet to sit no more than 30 minutes in water-filled saucer before removing the plant and dumping any excess water. Our last watering tip; use room temperature water. Cold water can chill African violet roots, which can result in leaves curling down and cold water droplets on leaves can cause spots. In general, avoid watering the leaves as this can also cause spots.
How to Increase Air Humidity for African Violets
To assist in creating the desired humidity level, place saucers of pea gravel near your plants and keep water in them. As the water evaporates, the immediate air around them will be more humid. Place African violets away from drafts and heating air vents. If humidity continues to be an issue, consider a humidifier. There are many options; some have warm-mist (for winter) and cool-mist options (for summer).
African Violet Soil and Fertilizer Tips
African violets are a little picky about what substrate they grow in. They prefer a well-draining, lightweight mix that contains peat moss or coconut coir. We recommend Ferti-Lome’s African Violet Potting Mix supplemented with Bonide’s Liquid African Violet Plant Food.
General Care Tips for African Violets
Pruning your violets should be part of your monthly maintenance routine. You should prune African violets regularly by removing old or dying leaves at the base of the plant to encourage new growth and maintain an even appearance. Pinch off spent flowers by pinching the leaves at the stem where they meet the base using your fingers or use sterilized scissors to cut.
Ready to start your African violet adventure? Fun fact, these beauties can live up to 50 years! Whether a gift for yourself or a gift for someone special in your life, visit us at The Good Earth to get set up to become an African Violet expert!