May - The Good Earth Garden Center

Learning Center


Arkansas Gardening Calendar


  • There is still time to do your seasonal color change-outs! Don’t forget to fertilize with blooming plant food at planting with Ferti-Lome Premium Bedding Plant Food and use BR 61 during the growing season for sensational blooming.  Planting past May can be difficult due to lack of plant choices and less opportunity for annuals to get established before the hot weather hits.
  • Prune forsythia, azaleas and other spring blooming plants when they finish blooming.
  • Break those overwintered plants out of the house! Anytime after the middle of the month should be fine, but watch out for a late freeze.  Tropicals will grow best this season with a good pruning, repotting and regular fertilizer.  Most houseplants need to be placed in shady locations; ask us if you have questions.
  • The soil temperature is warm enough now; plant those summer bulbs!
  • There is still time to plant warm season vegetables like tomatoes and all kinds of herbs.
  • Apply fertilizer to your landscape beds, such as Ferti-Lome Start-N-Grow.
  • Fertilize azaleas monthly until the end of August.
  • Check your landscape for fire-ants and treat if necessary.
  • Be on the lookout for insects such as lacebugs on azaleas, and bagworms on junipers and arborvitaeas and treat to avoid severe plant damage.
  • Walk your landscape and keep your eyes open for disease issues; we are already getting many reports of leaf spots due to the rainy spring weather.  Treat as needed.
  • As crapemyrtles start leafing out, apply Systemic Insect Control soil drench to protect against and treat for Crapemyrtle Bark Scale.