Our Newest Houseplant ‘White Fusion’ Calathea

‘White Fusion’ Calathea
Yes, we have some of these beauties right now (August 2020)! This is a very popular plant right now and pretty hard to find; keep reading for care details!
Calathea Care
Calathea plants are fairly easy to care for once you understand what they need. This doesn’t mean they are forgiving; leaves can brown due to too much or too little water and can get burned if they get too much light. If you haven’t grown calatheas successfully in the past, take note of these tips.
Let’s start here because it’s the easiest one to figure out! Calatheas like medium light levels. As mentioned above, too much light can cause leaf burn. Too little light can lessen leaf color. Avoid placing in direct sun. For more in depth information on houseplant lighting, visit this post.
When calatheas get too dry, leaf tips will turn brown and crispy and if left without water too long, whole leaves will brown. When calatheas stay too wet, leave can rapidly turn yellow then brown and stems may collapse. Plant in a pot with good drainage, and water when the top 1-2 inches are dry. Allow the plant to take up as much water as it needs and then pour out excess water. Root rot can become an issue if they stay too wet.
We suggest moisture meters all the time; they are an inexpensive way to understand how wet or dry the soil is staying and help houseplant parents create and maintain an healthy watering schedule.
Calatheas are also sensitive to fluoride so if you know your tap water is high in fluoride, consider using distilled water or rain water. Fluoride damage can also be caused by fertilizer or certain elements of potting media. Too much chlorine can also be an issue. If you collect rain water, calathea watering would be a great use for it! It also wouldn’t hurt to draw some water and leave out for a day or two before using to water sensitive plants.
High air humidity is important for calatheas as well. Place plants away from heat or cooling vents, and mist a few times a week. Frequent misting and plant inspection is a good way to keep up with how your tropical plants are doing and head off potential issues before they get out of hand.
Dormant Period
Yes, some houseplants have a dormant or inactive growth season! Water and fertilizer can be decreased during these winter months.
Potential Pest
Be on the lookout for spider mites and treat as needed. Spider mites aren’t true spiders, they are tiny red mites that can be difficult to spot. If plant color grays out, you see tiny webs, or it just overall looks ‘off’, place a piece of white paper under the leaves and tap the leaves against it. Look at the paper and check for small red moving dots; the mites. We can help you get them under control.
Houseplants of Instagram
If you follow houseplant hashtags on Instagram, you have most likely seen ‘White Fusion’ Calathea in your feed! Sometimes it’s called ‘Fusion White’, and calatheas are also sometimes called peacock plants. Take a look at the #whitefusioncalathea hashtag on Insta; the pictures will absolutely inspire you to grow this beauty.
This is our first time to get ‘White Fusion’ calatheas in and we are in love! Green, pale green, gray and white vareigated leaves with pinkish stems. Be still our hearts.
And there are many other cool calatheas, from the large leaved orbifolia to the pinstriped leaves of the aptly named Pinstripe variety. From long, thin leaves to dramatic, round leaves of gray and purple, there are many to choose from. Our inventory varies; fresh houseplants arrive pretty often so check back if you don’t see your favorite. And call or email if you have questions!