Powerful Perennials for Arkansas! - Good Earth Garden Center

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Powerful Perennials for Arkansas!

Powerful Perennials for ArkansasPowerful perennials

Here at The Good Earth, we grow most of our own perennials, so we get to know them pretty well!  Here is a list of perennials have special attributes that provide the perfect solution for your landscape!

Long Blooming Perennials for Sun
Agastache, all varieties
Butterfly Bush (Buddleia), all varieties
Clematis (vine) ‘Jackmanii’
Dianthus ‘Neon Star’, ‘Firewitch’, ‘Pinball Wizard’, ‘Red Beauty’
Echinacea (Coneflower) all varieties
Gaura ‘Whirling Butterfly’, ‘Sparkle White’, Siskiyou Pink’
Hemerocallis (Daylily),  ‘Happy Returns’, ‘South Seas’, ‘Stella De Oro’
Liatris (Blazing Star) all varieties
Luecanthemum (Shasta Daisy) all varieties if dead-headed
Nepeta, ‘Walker’s Low’, ‘Purrsian Blue’
Perovskia (Russian sage) all varieties
Rudbeckia (Black Eyed Susan) ‘Goldsturm’
Salvia, Heatwave series, ‘Caradonna’, ‘May Night’, Greggii series
Scabiosa (Pin Cushion Flower), ‘Butterfly Blue’, ‘Pink Mist’

Stokesia (Stoke’s Aster) ‘Color Wheel’

Great Shade Perennials
Dicentra (aka Bleeding Heart)

Hellebores (Lenten Rose)



Snow on the Mountain

A few more notes…
A plant doesn’t have to bloom to grab attention!  Hardy ferns, Creeping Jenny, Lamb’s Ear, Artemesia, and many more perennials give foliage interest and texture contrast to a perennial garden.  Amend the soil properly before planting, use Good Earth brand Jump Start at planting, water as needed throughout the season, fertilize and watch them grow!