Summer Gardening Tip #4 - Good Earth Garden Center

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Summer Gardening Tip #4

Weed Control

Don’t let your landscape get out of control!  There are several steps to take when trying to prevent and control weeds both in your lawn and your landscape beds.  The most important step in the beds is to apply 3 inches of mulch each spring.   If last years mulch has degraded and you only put an inch down in the spring, weed seeds will germinate.  And it’s not too late; if you haven’t mulched yet this year, don’t wait!  You can still prevent cool season weeds and late summer weeds by mulching now. If the weeds are already happily entrenched, spray with Over-the-Top.  It controls weeds without harming most ornamentals.  For lawns, use Weed-Out Plus to control both grassy weeds and broadleaf weeds.