Winter Combo Pots - Good Earth Garden Center

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Winter Combo Pots

Choose winter hardy plants for containers that offer interest all winter long!  The key is to choose evergreens, perennials, groundcovers and seasonal color that can last throughout our coldest temperatures in containers.  If you typically plant tropical plants in your containers, and aren’t sure about planting evergreens and perennials in them, just remember you can remove and plant these shrubs and perennials in your landscape next spring!

For evergreen height, consider yews, hollies, camellias, boxwoods, junipers, arborvitaes and Alberta spruce.  Surround evergreens with cabbage, carex, sweetflag, dusty miller, ajuga and English ivy for filler. Add Cool Wave pansies for cascades of blooming color!  For more fall and winter combination planter ideas, visit this blog post or our Finally Fall Pinterest board.

Try to plant winter pots this month (November) so the roots get established before the weather gets too cold.  For professional results, use the products that we professionals use!  Good Earth brand Professional Growing Mix and Jump Start plus Ferti-Lome Premium Bedding Plant Food for pots that contain pansies or other cool season bloomers.

Don’t forget to water your pots this winter.  Plants do not like to freeze dry; plant cells actually explode if they do, which causes visible and potentially deadly damage.  Winter watering is especially important for containers located under covered areas; these are only getting the water you give them since rain won’t reach them.