Tips on Getting Your Landscape Back Into Shape! - Good Earth Garden Center

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Tips on Getting Your Landscape Back Into Shape!

Broken limbs from ice storms and long-term damage from last summer’s heat are just two obstacles for our landscapes to overcome this year.  Let‘s get the recovery started!

1.  To prune or replace?  The winter storm damage has brought this question to many minds in Little Rock.  Take a look at our previous blog post for detailed pruning instructions and images plus guidance on whether to prune or replace based on specific damage examples.  It can be difficult to re-establish screens and hedges with a mix of new and old materials, depending on maturity.  Bring by or email us images of you landscape for specific advice!

2.  As plants break dormancy, it‘s a great time to apply systemic insect control such as Ferti-Lome Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Control, especially on plants that experience insect infestations last year.  This solution controls a wide variety of insects, is easy to apply by watering into the plants’ root zone, and lasts for 12 months.  This product works well for lacebugs on azaleas, whiteflies on gardenias, and aphids on crape myrtles, just to name a few.  Insect eggs can overwinter on debris under plants so a good clean up will help reduce issues also.

3.  We are very excited about Bonide Sedge Ender, a pre and post emerge weed control for both cool and warm season grassy and broadleaf weeds!   Yes, nutsedge, clover, and wild onions will be a thing of the past!  Bottom line, you need a bottle of this in your garage if you or your neighbor have lawn weeds!

4.  Fertilizing your shrubs is especially important this year due to the storm damage and last summer’s extreme temperatures.  As plants break dormancy and push out new growth, apply Osmocote or Ferti-Lome Start-N-Gro.

5.  Warm and cool season weeds germinate at various temperatures, year round; a good rule of thumb is to apply pre-emerge every 60-90 days. Hi Yield Turf and Ornamental Weed and Grass Stopper is a good pre-emerge that can be used on both lawn areas and in landscape beds.

6.  It’s time to start thinking about summer color, vegetable gardens and herbs!  Remember, the pansies look good now but when the heat hits, they melt away!

7. And perhaps most importantly, shop the garden center to investigate new possibilities and get ideas!  It’s a fun time of year to be outside so what are you waiting for?