Arkansas Gardening Tips for Fall

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Arkansas Gardening Tips for Fall!

The power of pumpkins

Not only do pumpkins and gourds offer fun colors and textures in fall decor displays, they are a “power food”, offering nutrients and antioxidants in abundance. Fairytale and Pie Pumpkins are some of the best for cooking. Always choose the freshest pumpkins available, decorate with them for the season, then pop them into the oven. From pumpkin bread to soups, they are easily transformed into delicious treats!  Click here for some of our team’s favorite pumpkin recipes.  Our pumpkins and gourds are locally grown and delivered fresh from the field several times a week from mid-September to mid-October.



Treat now for a healthier lawn in the Spring

Control existing weeds now by applying Ferti-Lome WeedOut with Crabgrass Killer, a liquid post-emerge weed control for both cool and warm season grassy and broadleaf weeds. Prevent weed seeds from germinating (which can happen year round at various temperatures) by applying pre-emerge every 60-90 days. During the growing season, use Good Earth brand Crabgrass & Weed Preventer with fertilizer and when dormant, use Hi Yield Weed Stopper.


Plant now for color all winter

Pansies and violas give a great show from fall to early spring IF they are planted well! Remove summer annuals, amend the soil with Good Earth potting soil, sand, horticultural lime and organic compost to increase drainage and air flow, plus lighten the soil. When planting, use Good Earth brand Jump Start to give the roots a jump start! Water well after planting, mulch, and don’t forget to fertilize when temperatures are over 50 degrees.  For a more detailed description of how to plant color like a pro, read this blog post.

Best time to plant trees and shrubs is…

Now! Fall is the best time to plant trees and shrubs; roots have some time to get established before the winter sets in, which puts them ahead of spring plantings. As with annuals, be sure to use Good Earth’s Jump Start at planting. Check the drainage and add organic matter if needed. Water new planting during dry periods in the fall and winter to avoid winter damage. Don’t forget to water any container plantings you have too!  Not sure exactly how to properly plant a tree or shrub?  Watch our how to video!