Arkansas...Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall!

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Arkansas…Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall!


Truck at Good Earth with Flowers

Fall Planting

Yup, it’s finally that magical time of year, when pumpkins reign and jeans are back in circulation! It’s a magical time for plants too; while the soil temps remain warm, roots keep growing.  This means that fall is actually a perfect time to plant trees, shrubs and groundcover.  The extra root development this season means a stronger more, more established plant next spring.  Bottom line, planting in the fall really gives the plants a jump start.  And speaking of a jump start, we have a Good Earth product by that name that gives the plant an even better root boost so be sure to use that at planting.

Cool Season Color

Let’s welcome the season of cool crisp, sunshine-filled days…by planting! Prep your color areas by removing the summer annuals, and breaking up the existing soil. Breaking up the soil adds oxygen to the soil, increases water percolation, and increases nutrient levels, all of which will help the roots of your fall plantings grow and get established quickly. Next, it’s time to do some soil amending. For perennial and annual color areas, we suggest using what we professionals use; Good Earth Brand Professional Growing Mix. Its’ mix of organic matter, perlite, pH adjusters and Actino root protection provides an optimum growing environment.

Fall annual choices include Pansies, Violas, Cabbage, Kale, Ornamental Mustard and much more. Mums are a Fall favorite; choose healthy plants with dark green foliage and plenty of buds. Don’t forget to give your planters a fall make-over too; Cool Wave pansies provide wonderful, trailing color all season! Use Good Earth Brand Jump Start to give the roots a boost and don’t forget to feed with Ferti-Lome Premium Bedding Plant Food throughout the season.

Fall Color

Bright red, yellow and orange leaves brighten any landscape! Is your landscape full of vibrant colors? Well, it can be just by adding some tried and true shrubs that have great fall color such as Burning Bush, Oakleaf Hydrangeas, Virginia Sweetspire, and Blueberries. There are also many trees that provide fall foliage color such as Maples, Zelkovas, Redbuds and Dogwoods.

What’s that purple blooming grass that has Nicole smiling so big?  One of our staff favorites, Purple Muhly Grass! Most ornamental grasses produce plumes in the fall, and give excellent texture contrast.

Ornamental grasses are a great landscaping option for this time of year. They add texture and fullness to any area! Gregg talks in more detail about these plants in the video above. Check it out!


Nothing says Autumn quite like a pumpkin, so stock up! Pie pumpkins and Fairy Tale pumpkins are some of the best for baking. Pair different kinds of pumpkins and gourds to create stacks for entryways and mantle decor. Clean out a pumpkin, insert a glass vase and make an eye-catching centerpiece, or add a pot and make a little indoor succulent garden! There are so many kinds of pumpkins and gourds and each one adds its own flair to your fall decor.

And if you considering waiting to pick up your carving pumpkins, we encourage you to come by sooner than later.  Our odd weather this spring and late summer has created a bit of a pumpkin shortage, and this weeks’ order will likely be our last…