How to Control Lawn Weeds - Good Earth Garden Center

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How to Control Lawn Weeds

Tired of fighting weeds in your Zoysia or Bermuda grass lawn?  Follow these tips to wipe out weeds!


  • Prevent weeds: First of all, it’s NEVER too late and NEVER to early to prevent weeds!  Pre-emerge products are formulated to prevent weed seeds from germinating or sprout; and since weeds germinate at all different soil temperatures, applying pre-emerge is always a good idea!  Pre-emerge creates a barrier from 60 days, up to a max of 90 days, so apply it today, and put your next application on the calendar in 60 to 90 days!  From mid-March to mid-September, apply a pre-emerge containing fertilizer such as Good Earth brand Crabgrass and Weed Preventer with slow release Nitrogen fertilizer.  Other months when the grass is dormant or going dormant, apply Turf and Ornamental Weed and Grass Stopper, which doesn’t contain fertilizer.  Tip: both of these products can be used in landscape beds as well as lawns!


  • Kill existing weeds: Once you have prevented new weeds from emerging, it’s time to tackle existing weeds using post-emerge!  Spray existing weeds with WeedOut with Crabgrass Killer for both grassy and broadleaf weeds.  For nutsedge, onions and poa anna, use a nutsedge killer such as Bonide Sedge Ender or Image.  This works by cutting off the photosynthesis process, forcing the plant to get food from its bulbs, part of the root system.  For more information on how to use a sprayer, read our blog post.  Spraying not your thing?  Apply a granular post emerge such as Ferti-Lome Weed Out with Fertilizer.  For more information on how to use a spreader, please read our blog post covering that topic.


  • Green up the lawn: If your weeds are under control and you just want to boost the lawn, apply Milorganite.


  • Grubs can do significant damage to lawns in a hurry.  In fact, we are already seeing them this spring.  Treat for grub with Bio Advance Grub Control.  Bonus…this treats for other lawn insects like ants, fleas, ticks and more!


  • Fungus is active in the spring and fall; and the weather this warm, wet weather been perfect for the growth and spread of fungus spores.  We take care of many residential and commercial properties around town and are really seeing some patchwork lawns this season due to lawn fungus issues.  Treat lawns with Bonide Infuse granules to control and prevent lawn fungus.