Create the perfect combination planter using the 'Thriller, Filler, Spiller' technique! - Good Earth Garden Center

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Create the perfect combination planter using the ‘Thriller, Filler, Spiller’ technique!

Use the ‘Thriller, Filler, Spiller’ planting concept from Proven Winner plants for upscale combination planters!

Proven Winner Thriller Thriller

Thrillers are taller plants that add vertical drama to a container planting.  They can be flowering plants, foliage plants or even ornamental grasses.  For containers that will be viewed from all angles, place the thriller in the middle.  For containers that will only be viewed from the front, place the thriller in the back.Proven Winner Filler


Next, it’s time to add your filler plants.  Fillers are rounded or mounded plants that are placed around or in front of the thrillers.  Place the fillers mid-way between the planter edges and the thriller to leave room for the spiller.  Some great filler options include Diamond Frost euphorbia, petunias, calibrachoa, and many more!


Proven Winner Filler Spiller

Add the spillers next!  Plant spillers around the edges of the container; all the way around if it will be viewed from all angles or around the front if it will only be viewed from the front.  Spiller options include sweet potato vine, ivy, bacopa, vinca vine and that is just to name a few!  Water the container well right after planting.

Thriller filler spiller by Proven WinnersDone!

The Thriller in this container is Angelface Blue angelonia, Filler is Supertunia Bordeaux petunia, and Spiller is Illusion Emerald Lace sweet potato vine!  Other key tips include using Good Earth brand potting soil (yes, it really is better than the more famous yellow and green bags of soil), use Good Earth brand Jump Start at planting, check soil moisture often and fertilize with BR-61 for amazing blooms!  The annuals mentioned and the images are from Proven Winners; a great line of successful annuals that we carry here at The Good Earth!  Check out our Pinterest board called ‘Combination Planters’ for more ideas and read our container gardening blog post for more planting tips!

Proven Winner