Herb Container Gardening - Good Earth Garden Center

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Herb Container Gardening

In this segment, Jeff and Gregg are discussing herbs, including the details about starting your own small herb garden and how to keep it healthy.

Get Started with Herb Gardening

Have you ever run to the store only to find the herbs you need are out of stock? We’ve got a way to combat that pesky problem! Lately, we’ve seen more and more people interested in growing their own herbs at home.

Herb gardening is the perfect way to dip your toes in gardening, even when your space is limited. If you’re interested in growing your own herbs, all you really need is your herb of choice, a container, and a well lit area.

What to Grow

We have a wide variety of herbs available at the Good Earth that we can recommend to you. Sage, mint and thyme are just a few great options for getting started with herb gardening.
These herbs are what we call sensory plants. With these, there’ll be a fragrance when you brush up against the plant or if the wind blows through their leaves. Rosemary is one of the more sensory plants, as it’s scent is so strong and distinct.

Thyme, sometimes referred to as poor man’s ground covering, grows rapidly when it has plenty of sun and room to grow. If you have a yard that needs green ground covering, an affordable option is planting thyme and letting it do it’s thing!

Herb Care and Fertilizer Tips

The herbs featured in this segment are perennials, and can last for years when properly cared for! Gregg has a rosemary plant at his home that’s lived over a dozen years.

It’s important to be mindful of what you use to treat your herbs. Always look at your fertilizer numbers carefully before using them. The first number is for growth, and you don’t need intensive growth in herbs. The middle number is significant in terms of your bloom, and that’s more important. So remember, when fertilizing herbs, you’re aiming for a low first number and higher middle number, with the third number not being very significant in herb growth.