February - The Good Earth Garden Center

Learning Center


Arkansas Gardening Calendar


  • Apply pre-emergent weed control such as Hi Yield Weed & Grass Stopper before the end of the month.
  • Spot treat winter weeds with appropriate herbicide such as Ferti-Lome Weed Free Zone. Do not exceed 3 applications per year.
  • Prune ornamental grasses, summer blooming spireas, and crapemyrtles.  Clean up any evergreen perennials before new growth begins.  Read our blog post on how to correctly prune crapemyrtles to avoid “crape-murder”!
  • Wait to prune Spring flowering plants like azaleas, gardenias, hydrangeas and forsythia until after blooming.  See our hydrangea blog post for specifics on hydrangea pruning.
  • Add fertilizer to your bulb plants as the flower stalks begin to emerge, with a complete fertilizer like Ferti-Lome Start-N-Grow.
  • Pansies and violas will be on the rebound as the days get warmer, so remember to fertilize to insure good blooming through the end of the season.
  • Don’t forget to prune your fruits, including blueberries, grape vines, and fruit trees.  Wait until late in the month to prune the fruit trees.
  • If you were reading that last tip and wishing for fruit trees, this is a great month to plant them!  For a complete tutorial on growing blueberries in Arkansas, read our blog post.
  • Roses need pruning this month too.  Prune your Knock-Out and Hybrid Tea roses this month, but wait until after blooming to prune your climbing roses.  Also wait to prune any other roses that only bloom in the Spring until after they bloom. Click here to watch how to prune Knock-Out Roses.
  • February is the perfect time of year to collect and send off a soil test to understand your soil pH and nutrient levels! Good Earth has an easy to use option; learn more in this post.
  • It’s time to plant a cool season vegetable garden.