Top Pro 5 Tips on Doing Your Own Landscape Project

Sara Reeves Photo
Home gardens and do-it-yourself landscape projects experienced a huge boost in popularity over the past two years, and the trend shows no signs of stopping! More time at home has given us all more time to contemplate how to use our spaces in a way that better fits our families and our lifestyles.
Looking to get started on your project but aren’t sure how (or where) to get started? Our trained professionals have these tips for you!
- Take an inventory of your existing landscape features. When you think about spending time in your outdoor spaces, what are you missing? Some examples might include lawn area for playing, garden space for vegetables and herbs, or curb appeal as you drive up to your home.
- Set goals for your project and write them all down. You may not be able to get to them all this year, but keeping them in mind and planning for the future cuts down on double work. If you know that you will want a vegetable garden at some point but you won’t have time to implement one this year, go ahead and figure out a good sunny spot for it this year, and avoid filling it with landscape plants that may have to be relocated in the future.
- Now that you know what you are working with, and have your goals in mind, it’s time to buy plants, right? Not yet! Take pictures and measure your space. Figure out how much sun and at what time of day it gets. Our team will help you match your space with the plants that will work best in it, so the more you know about your space, the better the match.
- Ok, now you can head to the garden center! At Good Earth, the inventory is organized by sun needs; plants that love full sun are grouped together and shade to part-sun plants are grouped together. Within each category, there are evergreen and deciduous plants, one that blooms and others that don’t. Don’t get overwhelmed, we have team members available to help you every step of the way!
- Take your haul home, place plants where you think they should go, stand back and look at them, then adjust as needed. Then plant! Proper planting is key to long term plant success. We have you covered here too, with numerous helpful blog posts and videos with detailed information on all kinds of topics, including:
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To find out all kinds of helpful information, visit our online Learning Center. If your landscape is showing signs of winter stress right now, be sure and check this blog post out, Plant Recovery After a Hard Freeze.